8 Finger Tapping Lesson

8 Finger Tapping Lesson

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  • Hello GMC and welcome to my first "8 Fingers Tapping Lesson"!!

    This piece of music we've got here isn't that much cute and interesting music wise,
    but it'll introduce you to basic things that you need to know about this technique.
    Main problem here shall be your pinky cause it has less power to hit string than others.
    That's why I putted it in action only at the ending.
    Also,muting is another important thing here
    cause your right hand palm isn't near the bridge to do that.
    My suggestion is to tie a sock or something (as you can see on my picture here,I'm using a home made dumpener)at the top of the neck to mute strings.
    I tried to use almost every combination of tap-fingering here,avoiding pinky a bit as I said before.

    So here's what my first 8 Fingers Tapping Lesson includes:
    -A major scale in few boxes
    -8 fingers tapping
    -Use of dumpener

    So step and have 8 time fun!!!

    Muris Varajic

    A major scale.jpg
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