Classical Fusion: Greg Howe Inspired Lesson

Classical Fusion: Greg Howe Inspired

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  • Hey GMC'ers! In this lesson I’ve composed a musical example based upon “Bach moch” from Greg Howe’s album Five. It occurred to me that it would be a good idea to combine alternate and hybrid picking techniques.

    We can analyze it easily into two general parts: The first one using alternate picking and the second one by the use of hybrid picking. The first part is basically a combination of scales around C tonal center key. Pay attention to the irregularity of the notes on the strings. This will be very useful to break with the traditional three-note-per-string patterns which will help you a lot with your phrasing.

    The second part is strictly about hybrid picking. Here I starts combining a C6 arpeggio and C diminished to continue with an Am7 arpeggio and a similar pattern to the first one. The ending has a cycle of diminished arpeggios on different string groups. Pay attention to the different pick and finger movements of the right hand.

    * Alternate Picking
    * Hybrid Picking

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    * C Melodic Minor
    * G Diminished
    * G# Diminished Arpeggio
    * A Minor 7
    * C6
    * C Diminished
    * C Harmonic Minor

    Enjoy!/ Juan


    C Melodic Minor

    G diminished
    G# diminished arpeggio
    A minor 7
    C diminished
    C harmonic minor

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